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How To Tell If A First Date Should Be Your ONLY Date

While everyone has different ideas about what they want on a date as well as in a relationship, there are a few signs that can show you whether or not a particular man is a “keeper.” They’re not very hard to spot either. To begin with, pay close attention to this man’s choice of dating venue.

How To Have a Good First Date.

Did you finally ask that girl you have been eyeing out on a date? If so, are you ready for the big night? Whether you are nervous or excited, please continue reading on for a few helpful planning tips. These dating tips, when followed, will help to ensure both you and your date have a good time.

How to Save a First Date Disaster

It is very rare for a first date to turn out perfect. In fact, you should anticipate a few moments of awkwardness. This may be quiet pauses in conversations or slightly embarrassing moments. Although it is rare to have a 100% perfect date, there is a difference between an imperfect date and a disaster. As you can gather, disasters are much worse, but they are still salvageable.

The Scenario: You made a date with a woman you met online, but she isn’t anything like she described.

What to do: There is nothing worse than being lied to. Unfortunately, it does happen with online dating. Some of the women who lie on dating services believe you like their personality so much that you won’t care what they look like or that they fibbed. If it bothers you, end the date now. The woman will be upset, but just let her know you don’t appreciate dishonesty. Make that the reason for ending the date, not her appearance. If you still want to salvage it, have a good time. Let lose and have fun. Just don’t ask for a second date at the end of the night.

The Scenario: You pickup your date for dinner, but your car breaks down on the way.

What to do: Being stranded with your date may seem like the end of the world, but it isn’t. In fact, it can work to your advantage. If you have to call the AA or call a tow truck, you have plenty of time to get to know her. If the car repair is something you can fix, such as a flat tire, your take-charge attitude may impress her. Apologize once for the delay and do so again at the end of the date, but let it go. If you don’t make it an issue, your date shouldn’t either.

The Scenario: You or your date gets upset when the restaurant messes up your order.

What to do: First, don’t panic or freak out. It is common to express anger and frustration when something is wrong, but don’t let it ruin your date. If you do not like the dish served to you, ask your waiter for a replacement. When doing so, be calm, do not raise your voice, or play the blame game. Women don’t want to date men with tempers. In the event you find yourself yelling at your waiter, stop immediately. Issue a sincere apology to both the waiter and your date. If you want to salvage this date, an apology is a must.

The Scenario: You take a woman to a bar, but run into your ex-girlfriend.

What to do: This scenario will not result in disaster unless you let it. If you see an ex-girlfriend on your current date, don’t avoid her, but don’t approach her either. If she walks up and says hello, greet her back, but focus all of your attention on your current date. If your date asks who she is, don’t lie, but don’t divulge too much information. If your date is upset about her presence, suggest a change of scenery.

The above mentioned scenarios are just a few instances in which a good first date can take a bad turn. No matter what problem you face, there is always a way to salvage the date if you want. Put a smile on your face and have a positive attitude. She will take notice.

Dating Advice: 3 Important Tips That Will Help You.

Dating - Is there any single person out there who does not need good dating advice? I don’t think so; if they did not need good dating tips, they would not still be single. So if you have been searching for the love of your life for a long time now, and you always seem to fall flat on your face when it comes to dating, you should remember to heed this dating advice.

The three most important tips to successful dating are:....watch the video to find out

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